
Education is key to this transformation, hence why we aim to support the community to continue educating children, achieving financial literacy, and encouraging employment by enhancing vocation skills, especially among youth and women.


We will support innovation-related projects and local entrepreneurs who are passionate about finding creative ways to solves the region’s social, financial, and environmental challenges.

Environmental Conservation

BK Group is committed to being a responsible, corporate citizen, and through working with the BK Foundation will continue to be a pace setter and industry leader in best practises to generate beneficial environmental and social impact.

BK Foundation Vision

Positively transform the lives of all Rwandans, positioning Rwanda for a prosperous future.

BK Foundation Mission

Address unmet needs in education, innovation, and environmental conservation, to support key opportunities within Rwanda.


Rwanda is transforming into a knowledge-based economy by building a skilled workforce that can compete both regionally and internationally. Education is key to this transformation, hence why we aim to support the community to continue educating children, achieving financial literacy, and encouraging employment by enhancing vocational skills, especially among youth and women.

Early Childhood Development, supporting the delivery of credible interventions that can effectively support children’s development from conception to six years of age in Rwanda. This is critical to lay the foundations of education as children grow.

Investing in financial literacy, training for high school students, educating them on personal finance management, budgeting, and investing. This knowledge lays a foundation for students to build strong money habits, improve people’s standard of living, and reduce income inequality.

TVET, focusing on market-driven technical and vocational skills training programs to bridge the skills gap during entry into the workforce.

STEM, awakening an understanding of sciences and technology will ensure Rwandan youth have the skills required for the changing landscape of work in today’s digital and interconnected world.